Just a quick note. I'm using Markdown for the note content this time around instead of Textile. Eventually, you'll be able to pick which formatter you want to use. If we trust someone, we may even let them input raw HTML.
It's got a ways to go...
...but I figured I'd let you play with what's currently working.
TODO for MetaNotes
- Permission enforcement
- UI for creating new pages
- UI for editing note attributes
- Bring back the panels
- Add a sitewide chat to the panels.
Server Administration
- Setup haproxy to work with
- Setup virtual email addresses for metanotes users
TODO for TimeLog
This hasn't even really started yet, so everything is left to do.
- Create database for timelog entries
- Unify authentication with MetaNotes
- Derive a UI based on Srini's work at
- Integrate full-text search
- Integrate with Twitter and/or Facebook
spacemacs indentation
standard-indent 2
;; js*
js-indent-level 2
js2-basic-offset 2
react-mode-offset 2
;; web-mode
css-indent-offset 2
web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2
web-mode-css-indent-offset 2
web-mode-code-indent-offset 2
web-mode-attr-indent-offset 2)
A Tragically Beautiful Idea About Facebook
It's your (face ☺),
but it's not your (heart ♡).
The truth of the matter...
“...the truth of the matter is that the meaning of existence can be as lacking in one group [rich or poor] as in the other, and that there is no correlation between material and spiritual misery.”
Julius Evola
don't mind the "fireworks"
they're temporary....
just feeling whimsical, so I turned the old demo back on. !
had this domain lying around, it sounds perfect for what we're doing... she may not like it though but it'll do for now
helping Joanna
It's important for my karma that I help Joanna with this QR code thing. It'll also give me a bit more confidence with setting up such systems. What I need to do is set up a Basecamp and then a Tumblr for this.
ok, now a logo
waiting for the tumblr a record redirect to populate... messing around with japanese clip art... ok screw this
need a domain name!
for some reason, it's hard to create a new project for someone without a great name for it, which starts with a domain name search. I've been searching for a while.
creating a tumblr page with a wufoo form on it
let's get joanna's email with those sample videos