

  • materiality (feelings)
  • ideality (aspirations)
  • temporality
  • Necessity
  • stability
  • agency
  • ability

The Creation Of Human Feelings, Ideals, Time, Necessity, Stability, Agency, Ability

sri 9 years ago

if you write something sexy...

Until the text actually gets around to an encounter with the possibly horny audience hypothesized by the text‘s author, the horny audience has no reality!!!

sri 9 years ago

Trying Things Out Is Sexy

we are just great at taking the old and toying with it until we stumble upon the new.

sri 9 years ago

She WANTS to feel CHANGED.

all audiences come to rhetoric expecting something; audience reactions to rhetoric turn on how their expectations are fulfilled or frustrated.

an audience was presented as a group of people expecting to become something and not liking all of their choices.

sri 9 years ago

going for it CHARGES HER UP!!!

It's essentially saying, "Hi, am I good enough?" and that is exciting. Am I? Her call.

sri 9 years ago

why didn't Avery run away?

Honestly now, why doesn't Avery run away? Is the threat Gunther makes as bad as the risk of getting enslaved by him?

Maybe it's because *if there is a TINY BIT of really wanting it, then it's true, she wants it!!" Like, the fact of the past means there must have been some interest in her, and he is now taking charge and expanding that interest into what it ought to be, a relationship with her master?

sri 9 years ago

Get into being VULNERABLE!

You just DON'T KNOW until you ask, and even then, it might be TEMPORARY!

Any situation in which you are making your feelings known without being sure of the other person's reaction provokes an incredible sense of vulnerability.

sri 9 years ago

Me, You and Them

texts speak not only of an implied author but also an implied audience, the second persona. The third persona is an audience that is excluded by the text. So, a persona‘s existence is based on hypothetical situations posited by the text.

Interesting, that there be the AUTHOR and the READER as "first persona" and "second persona" and that there be EVERYONE-ELSE as a "third persona".

sri 9 years ago

rhetoric is PSYCHOLOGY!

Acting from persuasion is, all at once, a question of psychology (the way influence works within the psyche), embodiment (the driving of action and the forces resistant to acting in neurology or biology), time (the measure of change, causes and consequences, traditions and opportunities), and more. Psychology, broadly speaking, is what most rhetorical scholars study: reasoning, emotion, weight of evidence, effects of style, culturally contextual meanings—all these concerns connect themselves directly to consciousness.

sri 9 years ago

Questions are our MEANS OF KNOWING.

If you ask and they answer, you NOW know. Until that you are ASSUMING!!!

sri 9 years ago

not about making something from nothing


You can't make someone do something that they don't already sort of want to do.

sri 9 years ago

BELIEF first.

She must BELIEVE that I am fucking awesome and she must BELIEVE that having sex with me will be (what?)(FUN!)

move beyond establishing belief and into motivating action.

sri 9 years ago

got theory?


Design the experiment, then run the experiment and get the data. Cindy style experimental approach.

sri 9 years ago

what do I want?

First commit yourself to make something of a human relationship.

One who speaks rhetorically chooses to inaugurate and to try to sustain until attainment of a purpose, a series of events in human relations.

sri 9 years ago

your TASTE is what counts!!!

rhetoric demands an aesthetic investigation of ontology because the matter / form divide is central to making.

sri 9 years ago


"Something important" = "FUN".

sri 9 years ago

two good questions to ask

What are the conditions for the possibility of persuading a person to take action on behalf of a belief?


What are the conditions for the possibility of action?

sri 9 years ago

the BODY is EASY to talk about!!!

the body, and all its imperfections, accounts for the most direct contact with materiality that human beings have.

sri 9 years ago


sri 9 years ago

Symbols leading to ACTION?

people are symbol-using animals.

sri 9 years ago


The divide between symbol and sensation is a classic ontological problem, the division of idealism and materialism, mind and body, form and matter.

sri 9 years ago


the Joy of Rhetoric paper is very interesting, and here are some good quotes and ideas.

sri 9 years ago


The best outcome: she'll go out with you and you'll have a fantastic time.

The worst outcome: she will decline and you might be embrassed.

Resolve the best is so much better then the worst and you will overcome.

sri 9 years ago

What would need to be in place - to happen, and then to exist and abide in her - for her to get to know me?

sri 9 years ago

She ought to be sleeping with me.

One must still make assumptions about what is the case even as one seeks to focus on what ought to be the case.

sri 9 years ago

Persuasion: what IS versus what SHOULD BE.

Whatever "evil" is determines what responsibility is which then determines what justice is, or rather what justice ought to be.

so dig this big crux:

Loneliness is EVIL. Justice ought to be what then?

sri 9 years ago

Possibilities seem rare.

what are the conditions for the probability of actualizing a possibility recommended by persuasion?

sri 9 years ago


sri 9 years ago


Going to Starbucks is the only way to see her often enough to get the chance to persuade her at all.

sri 9 years ago

What created the opportunity for persuasion?

If audiences want to become something different and rhetoric can enable such becoming, what conditions must necessarily be met for rhetorical enabling to occur?

what were the conditions for the actualization of the possibility of persuasion?

sri 9 years ago

bursting through barriers.

study the ontological barriers to the persuasion that renders action.

for persuasion to succeed in gaining action, barriers must be overcome.

sri 9 years ago

Ethically, you should ask.

you should still go for it. Worst case, she says no. You feel bad, you learn from it, you move on. If you don't try, you'll never know.


It is MORALLY WRONG to fail to go for it.

sri 9 years ago

what is ontology?

If you think of two concepts as somehow connected, they are then connected in a holarchy which is like a directory system.

sri 9 years ago

persuasion is TRANSCENDENTAL!

That which actually GETS ACROSS into the other person's soul is TRANSCENDENT.

The ability for seeing in any given case the available means of persuasion implies the transcendental both in conditions (given cases) and possibilities (available means).

sri 9 years ago

Ending masturbation is the key condition.

freedoms—like the family dog—only subsist as long as people submit themselves to taking care of them. People must be interested in civic action. Therefore, any inquiry into the conditions of the possibility of action ought to inquire into conditions that threaten to make action impossible or, at least, less likely.

sri 9 years ago

ontology, as a marker of what one is, permits some responses, while making others impossible.

sri 9 years ago



That requires a holarchy of ideas. One idea leads to the next. Why? Because I can then connect the idea of "How are you?" to "Start sleeping with me" and it'll somehow make sense.

sri 9 years ago

Why do you now feel excited to ask her out?

You have now been taught that your sexuality is MORAL and appropriate to express.


You are lucky that if she does like you it will result in changes in your life.

sri 9 years ago

the REFLEX - able to do this IN THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT

every little thing the reflex does is an answer with a question mark.

The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark.

sri 9 years ago

What explains your failure to ask for 16 years?

And note, "asking Hannah" so very badly is an example of self-sabotage. You failed to ask Hannah, even if you managed a lame effort eventually. You had her attention and then you nervoused yourself into total failure. Why? Because of a MORAL FLAW IN YOUR CHARACTER - a literal HOLE IN THE BUCKET.

sri 9 years ago


You should go down to Starbucks more often. Obviously.

sri 9 years ago


You shouldn't jerk off. Obviously.

sri 9 years ago