

Have a place to paste my journal entries for later review.

sri 7 years ago

halloween 10/31/17 2:49pm

FINALLY FOUND WORDPAD. Simple, easy, free. Fuck. No problem. This is my word processor not the clunky and overfeatured Word. It just booted up, is my experience. I hope that is the case from now on.
I pray that I can just use this as my journal. That's all I want out of a word processor right now, a place to fucking type. How hard was this??? I want YCTHere to come back. It shall, I'll do it myself from scratch if beppu isn't going to want to do it. It's a great idea for a site/app etc. This Microsoft experience has been so shitty that I want to write about it and get paid by Microsoft to fix their shitty experience. This has been unbelievable. THANK GOD I FIGURED OUT HOW TO USE WORDPAD!! This software is simple and straightforward.
I've listened to all of Hex Enduction Hour while getting this setup. MacAfee is a VIRUS! It is seriously fucked. OK, now the taskbar is cleaned up, and WordPad is front and center. I hope that I can use this as my journal. YCTHere is cool because it is Newest-First. That sort of makes more sense for a journal, and that's hard to do with computer software. I wonder if I ought to start a blog to hold these thoughts, because it'd give me somewhere to paste everything. OK, let's create a METANOTES page for that purpose...

sri 7 years ago