

Maybe you should envision what your WISH coming true would really mean for your feelings, action and beliefs.

So you move in with her, is that what you wish? Think about it that way and if you really DO wish that, well you are probably going to be the one to get it.

sri 10 years ago

Three phases of COMMUNICATION

* All communication begins with some assertion -

* an interruption of some kind

* coupled with a message and

* followed by an expectancy of agreement and action.

sri 10 years ago


It's my policy to assert my wish if I get the chance.

sri 10 years ago

Cause -> Effect -> Meaning

X causes Y which means Z.

My wish causes her to think about it which means she likes me.

sri 10 years ago

Sample Assertions

A wish is a kind of prayer.

She smiled so she likes me.

sri 10 years ago

communication policy

It's my policy to communicate with the right person whenever I wish something to happen.

sri 10 years ago


Only communication lets you assert your wish and get agreement.

Without real communication, agreement is less likely, left up to raw coincidence.

sri 10 years ago

Setting priorities means creating tasks.

Once you set a priority you are outlining an implicit series of tasks.

That is where you must use your imagination to envision what tasks would enable you to achieve that priority.

I think this is my flaw.

sri 10 years ago


Assert my WISH and GET GOAL.

sri 10 years ago

"No" causes guilt and shame...

...so therefore people never say "no". They always say something other than "no" because "no" hurts them to say, literally. Therefore, you will never actually get a "no" answer, no matter your question. You'll get an excuse, but you will never get NO.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

The Power To Set Priorities...

...comes entirely from the Ability to Envision Tasks.

sri 10 years ago

Assert your vision...

The World Wide Wish

sri 10 years ago

Anatomy of Policy Focus

* A policy is a sequence of tactics that is enacted on a trigger event.

* A trigger event occurs

* You say "do I have a policy on this?"

* If so you start with the first tactic in the sequence.

* If not you regroup and devise a policy for next time.

sri 10 years ago

Ask For Agreement, OK?

If you agree with my WISH then it becomes OUR wish.

sri 10 years ago

Your WISH needs HELP!

If I can assert my wish and present evidence then others will agree with my wish and help make it happen.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago