

sri 10 years ago

onSpaceCreate: spawn a Goal note here.

the Goal note-echo spawned in your metaspace is titled with the SPACENAME (not "Goal")

sri 10 years ago

Move on up!

sri 10 years ago

"I need to get to work".

let N be a VERB.

The more control you have over the verb the better. .

sri 10 years ago

How do you N?

How do you get to work?

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

What will you NEED to get your GOAL?

Do you need N to get Ω?

sri 10 years ago

only CRISIS generates strategic ideas.

I want to raise the fact that we are desultory and have little pursuit of our goals over TIME to the level of MASSIVE CRISIS for the HUMAN SOUL. I worry that we are living without goals and wasting our lives as a result. I know that applies to me.

sri 10 years ago

more goals

  • To explain the PARADIGM of "GOALS" in order to focus our development for viral growth.
  • To explore a hypothesis that we humans boil down to our goals.
  • To explore why we behave in order to reach some goal or other at any moment.
  • Help our users by building this goal-logic into our platform so that users begin reaching for the stars with us.
sri 10 years ago

Never lose sight of your GOALS.

I might lose sight of my NEEDS but never my GOALS if they're in my face...

sri 10 years ago


Folks WISH and reach their goals.

sri 10 years ago

many ideas are UNSTRATEGIC.

I don't want to host a space on every idea in the universe. I want to host a space on every GOAL in the universe.

sri 10 years ago

a PARADIGM is a pair of glasses

You look at your situation now, and then next you look at your situation in terms of GOALS. It's like two different views of the same situation, one blurry and one clear. The issue is that you're losing a lot of detail when you operate within a paradigm. Is that detail useful or not? I posit that it's useless... that all detail in your situation that does not pertain to you reaching a goal (or another reaching their goal) is trivia and non-transcendent.

sri 10 years ago

Beyond DESIRE.

a WISH is in your CONTROL.

You are unalterably committed to your WISH because you understand that you have the ABILITY to achieve it.

A desire is something you want that circumstances or other people must give you. You cannot be responsible for what you desire because it is not in your total control.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

your WISH is your soul

Now I'm feeling like I have not expressed my goal properly in SO LONG.

It's very important to express your WISH or your WISH does not really exist. Your WISH will reverberate all around your head and make strange things happen. Letting your WISH have a voice is how to approach the world as their own energy entity.

Your WISH is your power and as long as you aren't talking about it...

sri 10 years ago

Billions of folks are desultory.

Without a real conscious WISH it's very easy to fall into behavioral traps that are formed by addictive behaviors that provide relief for you at a certain stress trigger point. Eating. Smoking a cigarette. Yelling at the wife. These are ways we relieve stress because they worked once and now we come to depend on these behaviors whenever we feel stressed. We need to encourage folks to use METANOTES instead of these bad behaviors because the second you tune in your WISH, everything makes sense again instantly and the things that have nothing to do with that WISH wind up not being done anymore.

sri 10 years ago

WINNING means achieving a WISH.

If you use METANOTES you will begin WINNING because you will focus on your WISH in a conscious way and this will give you RELIEF THROUGH STRATEGIC PROGRESS.

sri 10 years ago

With a WISH you can WIN

Chew on that for a minute and you'll discover that therefore MOST PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY FOR VICTORY and will use any idiocy like "getting a Like from XYZ" as an excuse to feel VICTORY. A better way is to give them a way to chart their own goals and they'll feel VICTORY far more naturally.

sri 10 years ago


As a FEELING, it can be MIRRORED. As I feel VICTORY in my use of metanotes to figure out what a WISH might mean to humans, you as the reader can feel it too because it's INFECTIOUS. The mood of VICTORY results from a human being WINNING over a difficult WISH that is worth pursuing.

sri 10 years ago

False creativity is desultory.

PRODUCTIVITY is STRATEGIC. "Creativity" can be very desultory as in lolcats. I mean the goal is to get a lot of laffs and make some money or whatever but that's it. PRODUCTIVITY is what gets us closer to our actual WISH.

sri 10 years ago

No WISH = Stress

All stress comes from desultory behavior. Give folks a WISH and the stress is instantly eliminated. Putting out a fire makes you ignore the wound on your foot.

sri 10 years ago


STRESS is natural and causes us to hunt for methods to find RELIEF.

We go to Facebook because we are stressed and it is relieving to see the familiarity of our friends' faces.

sri 10 years ago

TRIVIA is desultory.

Facebook is a gigantic TRIVIA ACCUMULATOR. I believe we are an ORGONE ACCUMULATOR in contrast, collecting and amplifying the WISHes of humanity.

sri 10 years ago

Unexamined phenomena = WISH DECAY.

A phenomena may have begun because of a solid WISH. We start smoking cigarettes because:

  • We WISH to look cool.
  • We feel bored and WISH some activity to fill that time.
  • We WISH to declare our lack of faith in the society we live in.
  • We WISH to rebel against common sense in order to prove we exist.
  • We WISH to try it out and see if it makes a difference towards other WISH such as getting girls' attention.
  • We sense it's a ritual of sharing when done in a group.

These are very vague reasons to begin with but they are obviously quite compelling. These are each an UNCONSCIOUS WISH of smoking.

After a few months these unconscious WISH of smoking are mostly forgotten. They still light up from time to time but only when smoking a cigarette happens to accidentally achieve one of those happy outcomes... Rarely do folks smoke STRATEGICALLY.

sri 10 years ago


A vague WISH like "i want to collaborate" leads to a much broader search for methods. This leads to "easy answers". This is why Facebook is in there... an easy answer for the vague WISH of "staying connected to my friends".

Getting to Bucharest from Budapest is a DEFINITE WISH that will lead to DEFINITE behavioral suggestions, or TASKS that follow a PLAN.

It's my STRATEGY to help folks set DEFINITE WISH with metanotes.

sri 10 years ago

Metanotes is STRATEGIC.

Strategic is the opposite of desultory.

Strategic behaviors have conscious goals. Desultory behaviors have unconscious goals.

We PRIORITIZE our WISHes by the attention we pay to them. This platform lets us REPRIORITIZE our WISHes.

sri 10 years ago


A vague food WISH is: "I'm hungry, give me something to eat..."

A definite food WISH is: "I want to take my girl out for dinner at a restaurant which will lead to a fun relationship"

sri 10 years ago


If we CARE about our WISH in a CONSCIOUS way, we may "set it and forget it" and begin behaving in ways that meet these goals on a short-term basis. When a behavior WORKS, it meets a WISH of some kind. So we keep doing it.

sri 10 years ago

What is the WISH of X?

We all know what the WISH of food is, even though we may describe it very differently.

Discussing the WISH of any situation or behavior is how consultants and psychiatrists get paychecks.

sri 10 years ago

Bad behavior? Bad WISH.

If the answer is SHAMEFUL, you KNOW it only when you realize that there is NO WISH WORTH PURSUING in said behavior and that it actually gets you FURTHER away from OTHER WISHes you have that ought to be closer than they would have if you hadn't done those bad behaviors.

sri 10 years ago


And we only behave EN MASSE when we are given a WISH that all of us sort of agree on as viable. The WISH of getting all connected together as a social network was monetized by Facebook.

We can PRIORITIZE one WISH over others. This leads to hit products around mediocre goals. Why does that happen? Because the coders of those hit products would rather use marketing to SHAPE their users so that their mediocre products can still make those users HAPPY. So it's easier to BEND THE USERS' WISH PRIORITIZATION than to write more useful software.

sri 10 years ago

If I know your WISH...

...I can really HELP you. That's Google. Tell me your WISH and I will tell you what is out there to know about it.

If I don't know your WISH, then only folks who know your WISH can help you. Tell Facebook your WISH and hopefully one of your friends can help you. The help they can give you often boils down to a vote of sympathy, or a LIKE. Folks don't post to Facebook with any other WISH than to entertain one another.

sri 10 years ago

Our WISHes create our ABILITIES.

When we have a WISH we can learn how to get there and then learn how to work the machinery that gets there often, whenever we WISH to get there.

"There" being a sense of ACHIEVEMENT, of GETTING.

The ABILITIES we generate within ourselves in pursuit of that WISH actually transcend that specific WISH. Now we can leverage the same ABILITIES - the ones that we used to get to the first WISH - upon any WISH in the FUTURE that may be drawn closer by our exercise of that ABILITY.

ABILITIES are like your INVENTORY of MAGIC ITEMS. You can X? That's in your inventory of abilities.

sri 10 years ago


I may not be able to communicate the stuff inside me that I would communicate if we were, say, travelling on a long journey train from Budapest to Bucharest having a rambling conversation about anything that came to mind. However. If I say that "MY WISH IS TO GET TO BUCHAREST TONIGHT" then you can immediately understand my WISH - that is to say, what I am right now trying to do - as being the SUM TOTAL OF WHO I AM TO YOU AT THAT POINT.

sri 10 years ago

Maybe we boil down to our WISH.

to GOOGLE, we humans BOIL DOWN to our WISH. Google cannot see into our deepest hearts and know all there is to know about us, but knowing our WISH RIGHT NOW is a good temporary stopgap. Notice, you can make big and obvious money by routing folks with a WISH towards destinations that help them reach their WISH, even if that WISH is to learn "what time are the Knicks playing tonight?"

sri 10 years ago


Because when you WANT to know something that the Internet may be able to tell you, that very WANTING is the epiphenomenon of being CONSCIOUS of having a GOAL of achieving some information or learning of some insight that another human being had stumbled upon in your past.

sri 10 years ago


We want to pull your GOALS out into the light.

  • We want you to create new spaces for each of your GOALS as they come up.
  • We want you to create SUB-GOALS inside your TOP-LEVEL GOALS over time.
sri 10 years ago


Inside every WISH are an infinite variety of SMALLER WISHes that get you closer to your BIG WISH. If you want money, a sub-WISH is to create a Web service that millions use daily, and a sub-WISH of that is to discover a paradigm that leads to this behavior.

sri 10 years ago

...we are WISHes...

it's totally different and totally needed!

sri 10 years ago


What is the WISH of a Facebook session? They're very unconscious in my opinion, vague things:

  • Keep my friends updated about things that are going on in my life
  • Stay up to date about things that are going on in my friends' life
  • Request for advice, help or comment about some phenomena of interest

Basically you log into Facebook to WASTE TIME IN COMFORT. That is the REAL WISH of Facebook... no different from TV.

sri 10 years ago


When you have a GOAL and you KNOW you have that goal, you can't stop LOOKING at that goal. You can't stop thinking about new methods and practices to get to that goal. You begin to Google in a way that indicates to Google Inc. that you are a human with a GOAL and not just a bored surfer looking for entertainment.

sri 10 years ago


EVERYBODY has some WISH or other that they are after in life in general. These WISHes may be UNCONSCIOUS, such as "i want to know every single fucking thing Lady Gaga is doing and I don't really know why I want that." But the behavior of even the unconscious WISH pursuer is obvious and fanatic... just as fanatic as anyone who KNOWS what they want CONSCIOUSLY.

sri 10 years ago

You use it daily.

What is "addictive?" Hard to define these slippery a-priori concepts, but let's just say that ADDICTIVE means you USE IT DAILY. From this perspective here are some addictive products:

  • Toilet paper
  • Your bed
  • Google
  • Food
sri 10 years ago


A bit too harsh a question, of course.

But fundamentally we don't want to MAKE you a space unless you can explain to me WHY you want that space made. It's taken a lot of hard work to provide a space for your goals and we don't want you to use it as just another playground of fake fun content.

sri 10 years ago


This means that there is zero ability to create a metanotes space without a WISH.

There's no point in a space without a WISH, BY DEFINITION. Why should we bother if you won't bother explaining WHY you need this space?

sri 10 years ago


Obviously, if we KNOW that our behavior is part of a STRATEGY to get to a WISH that we have explicitly set in our mind, we are CONSCIOUS of our WISH.

If we are behaving and we don't know WHAT WISH we are trying to achieve with this behavior, that doesn't mean there isn't a WISH behind it. It just means we are UNCONSCIOUS of the WISH behind our behavior at the moment.

sri 10 years ago


When can you ask WHY?

  • Every SITUATION has a WISH.
  • Every BEHAVIOR has a WISH.
  • Every POLICY has a WISH.
  • Every STRATEGY has a WISH.


sri 10 years ago

We all have GOALS of some sort

Every human endeavor has a GOAL. When that goal is forgotten the action may persist out of INERTIA. This inertia manifests as VICE, or HABITS that are DESULTORY or without GOALS. VIRTUE is ACTION towards a GOAL that you rationally WANT, your TRUE OMEGA.

sri 10 years ago


  • DENIAL. You may feel ashamed to discover or share the WISH of your behavior or situation to the person who is asking WHY? to you right now.
  • IGNORANCE. You really don't know WHY that phenomena is like that and you may learn these goals and either redouble your efforts from clarity or abandon your efforts...
sri 10 years ago


WHY is the one-word question that drills down to the WISH of a phenomenon.

  • WHY is it like that?
  • WHY did you do that?
  • WHY does that exist?
  • WHY are you doing that now?
sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

however we may have forgotten...

We may have begun doing something in order to get to some goal.

We might have then achieved that goal.

That goal, achieved, didn't amount to much positive life change in the end...

but the mediocre goal created behaviors that prove hard to leave.

sri 10 years ago

When you can't really answer WHY...

...then the WISH of that phenomena is latent... UNCONSCIOUS.

Maybe making the WISH of that phenomena CONSCIOUS is the path forward for you in that case.

sri 10 years ago

...you're on your way to CHANGE.

when you CONSCIOUSLY analyze, evaluate and synthesize WISHes, you tend to take on new behaviors, cause new situations, distill new strategies and act on new policies.

Your BEFORE state was UNCONSCIOUS and your AFTER state was CONSCIOUS.

sri 10 years ago

BEFORE goals analysis...

Folks are in a BEFORE state at the beginning. They have not yet begun to look at their lives through the lenses of GOALS and as a result their behaviors are DESULTORY in contrast with where they will be soon... they will be GOAL ORIENTED in the DURING state and GOAL MAINTAINING during the AFTER state.

sri 10 years ago


WHY are folks using Facebook today? Because it "makes me feel good" to "be connected with my friends".

Are you REALLY "connecting" with your friends on Facebook? IT DOES NOT MATTER.

As long as the WISH of a behavior is UNCONSCIOUSLY UNDERSTOOD, the FACTS of the RESULTS of that behavior can be conveniently forgotten if they are suboptimal.

Are you REALLY "more connected to your friends" after using Facebook for several years?


sri 10 years ago

I really want to X but Y so Z instead.

I really want to go to Facebook and waste time right now but Facebook destroys my creative energy so create metanotes instead.

sri 10 years ago

Instead of X now I can Z by A.

Instead of Facebook and Twitter now I can get goals in my life by following my goals to their fruition in METANOTES.

sri 10 years ago


I want to go to Facebook right now at 4:04am because

  • I WISH to take a break.
  • I feel like I DESERVE a break after writing all these metanotes. (By whose criterion? My own, only.)
  • I feel stressed (About what? About earning... about stuff that happened today.... about what I'm going to do next...)
  • I don't know how I feel, so using Facebook gives me feelings - because I will naturally MIRROR the feelings of the friends who are posting about their feelings.
  • I WISH to rebel against common sense which wants me to stop using Facebook.
  • I WISH to label myself as a reject and therefore annoy others.
sri 10 years ago

a TANGENT note here

perfect place for a TANGENT note because I am getting off topic and would love to drill down into how Facebook is desultory where METANOTES will be strategic.

sri 10 years ago

Here we are now... Entertain us.

Facebook is ENTERTAINMENT. We entertain one another. That is the WISH of Facebook... to provide a forum where folks can entertain one another. That's IT.

There is no WISH from Facebook other than just spending one's time in a pleasant way. Statements so vague as:

  • Express yourself.
  • Connect with your friends.
  • Explore your social universe

All sound so big and ring so hollow in hindsight because they aren't about YOUR goals. These are generic feel-good goals that are easily met at your local mall.

Obviously the WISH of Facebook Inc is to create something better than TV that will waste your hours in pursuit of entertainment.

Your WISH was to "connect" with friends and now you have no friends like you had friends back in the 90s.

sri 10 years ago

Find a new way to get RELIEF.

I want to provide humanity with a productive way to feel relief. Personally I feel immense relief at being able to write out my thoughts at length again at long last. The stress I feel can be relieved by writing out my thoughts and following all tangents and also by REVIEWING my last thoughts. Therefore we need to have a way for the user to re-enter metaspace right where they left off.

sri 10 years ago

My WISH is to Z because A and B.

My WISH is to eclipse Facebook because I want many users.

sri 10 years ago


We MIRROR each other EMOTIONALLY. If I declare that I feel excited, others around me will begin to feel excited too. They will do this because they want to "try on" the emotions I declare, to "see how they fit". That's why MOOD is key to every note... MOOD is what we MIRROR.

sri 10 years ago

moving notes out of filesystem...

...and into neo4j.

This is going to be a bitch. (It should also be a tangent.)

I need to find all the notes.

I need to know what spaces they're in.

I need to insert both spaces and notes into neo4j.

I may have to fiddle with this import a few times to get it right.

I have to write code to read this data back out of neo4j and use this new code to replace much of the existing code.

b 10 years ago